Easy to use

Easy to use is a unique testing method that involves people with limited hand function to determine whether the packaging is user-friendly.

The ease of opening and handling the packaging or product can be crucial in determining whether customers are satisfied with their purchase or not. That’s why it’s well-advised and cost-effective to involve the most demanding users early in the design process. If the product or packaging is functional and easy to handle for people with reduced hand function, it generally improves the interaction experience for all consumers. Easy to use is a unique testing method that involves people with limited hand function to determine whether the packaging is user-friendly. Companies like Ecolean, Essity, Nolato Cerbo, and Tetra Pak have embraced this testing process to ensure their packaging and products meets the highest accessibility standards. If the test group approves the packaging or product, it will get an Easy to use certificate from the Swedish Rheumatism Association.

Easy to use test

Having people with impaired hand function testing the products gives a unique insight into how the packaging or a product works that mechanical tests do not provide. Since we work with relatively small test groups, we reduce the variation between the groups' composition and results by calibrating the assessments.

This is done by comparing each test group's reduced functionality with and a reference group of over a hundred people with similar reduced functionality and then adjusting the results accordingly. This correlation is linear, which means that the calibration is proportional to the difference of assessed functionality between the test group and the reference group.

By prioritizing user experience, we ensure that our method captures the true ease of interaction. We conduct these assessments with a dedicated group of 10-20 participants who carefully perform and rate each handling step on a straightforward scale:

  • 0 = Impossible
  • 1 = Very Difficult
  • 2 = Rather Difficult
  • 3 = Neither difficult nor easy
  • 4 = Relatively Easy
  • 5 = Very Easy

The average of the test group’s collected data, calibrated against a more extensive reference group, determines how easy or complicated the product or packaging is to use. This method has been scientifically validated to ensure accuracy.

If your product or packaging achieves a rating of " Neither difficult nor easy " or better for all handling steps, it can be approved and certified by the Swedish Rheumatism Association. 

Scientifically peer-reviewed

The Easy to use certification is based on handling tests of packaging and products carried out by people with reduced hand function. The methodology is unique and scientifically peer-reviewed and published in Swedish Design Research Journal.

 The test is based on 10-20 people with diagnosed hand impairments performing each handling task of the packaging or product in question. They rate their ability to perform the task on a 6-point scale as follows:

  • 1 = Cannot perform the task
  • 2 = Very difficult
  • 3 = Quite difficult
  • 4 = Neither difficult nor easy
  • 5 = Quite easy
  • 6 = Very easy

The results of the hand assessments are calibrated (compared) against a reference group of over 100 people with impaired hand function to obtain a statistically significant result. If the average of the test group in question has better hands than the reference group, we lower their assessment of the product accordingly, and if they are worse, we raise it instead. Therefore, in principle, it is always the reference group that makes the assessment and therefore fair between different test rounds. 

How the test is conducted

Our partner Lena Lorentzen Design AB is responsible for the tests receives prototypes or finished products to be tested. Test persons are then invited to one or more test sessions, depending on the number of handling steps to be tested. The test group carry out the different handling steps to be tested. In the case of packaging, they are usually asked to assess the opening, pouring and resealing of the packaging.

 The testers rate how difficult or easy the different handling steps are and can also provide comments that answer, for example, what makes something difficult. Companies may also want to ask questions directly to the testers to get their feedback. You can also ask to have the tests filmed. 

Easy to use certification

To get product or packaging Easy to use certified, all handling elements of the calibrated result must reach 'Neither difficult nor easy”' or easier. When a package or product passes the test, it will be certified as Easy to use. The Easy to use certification is a third-party that ensures that the product or packaging really are easy to use, and this benefits all consumers, not just people with impaired hand function.

Not only for people with rheumatism

A growing number of people have impaired hand function. The causes can be several, for example rheumatic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis and other rheumatic conditions. Often, hand function is also affected after a stroke, in multiple sclerosis, diabetes and spinal cord injuries. Hand function also decreases with age in both men and women, especially after the age of 65 years. By 2040, it is estimated that around 25% of the population in EU will be 65 years or older. 

About Easy to use

Lena Lorentzen Design AB

The company is run by Lena Lorentzen, Industrial designer specialising in inclusive design, Professor of Industrial design with 35 years of experience in Inclusive design. Lena is responsible for conducting the tests. She has developed the test method and has a unique knowledge in her field.

Web: lenalorentzendesign.se

The Swedish rheumatism association

Our organization is the largest patient association in Sweden. The organisation was founded in 1945. Since so many people have problems with packaging that is hard to open, we are offering companies to test their products and get them certified as Easy to use by us. Having problems accessing products is not only a problem for people with arthritis but also for anyone who has reduced hand function due to disease or age. And packaging and products that works for people with impaired hand-function works very well for everyone.


E-mail: Kristina Heilborn